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Rossini: a Connoisseur of Opera and Food


Gioachino Rossini, or G.A. Rossini, is known to be a renowned opera composer that was also a connoisseur of gourmet food. Many of his works, like Otello and the Barber of Seville, were inspired or based on already existing works, essentially turning a written piece into a musical one. However, after turning to gourmet in his later years, he reviewed the recipes of various restaurants and based many of his pieces on food. One prominent example is Le Beurre (The Butter), a song in Peches de Vieillesse; it is arguably one of his most famous works. It is clear that food was a significant influence on him.

One of Rossini’s works L’italiana in Algeri (The Italian in Algeria), written when he was 21, is an opera buffa. In comparison to an opera serié, which is typically serious and solemn, a buffa is much more lighthearted. Similar to the modern-day rom-com, L’italiana in Algeri is about an Italian girl named Isabella. In the opera, a scene takes place where Isabella conspires with her lover Lindor and tells Mustafa, one of the other characters, that she will marry him if he joins the game of papatazzi, a game where participants must eat and drink as much as they want whilst remaining silent no matter what happens. Interestingly, wherever a scene involving food came about, Rossini would provide actual food for the singers to eat while performing. Therefore, during the aforementioned scene in L’italiana in Algeri, actual food would be given. Today, this tradition is still employed by some opera composers in honor of Rossini.

Rossini’s influence on food extends beyond the realm of opera; it affects today’s cuisine as well. “alla Rossini” means, directly, “in the style of Rossini.” Referring to a style of cooking that has spread all over the world, many restaurants offer dishes that are alla Rossini. Created through the culinary advice of Rossini, alla Rossini always involves truffles. One of the most famous dishes alla Rossini is tournedos Rossini, having originated in Café Anglais. Though Rossini loved food, he also had a penchant for pestering chefs by asking them to cook the food in front of him. One particular chef, in the Café, was adamant in his refusal, and eventually, Rossini said, “Et alors tournez le dos”: if you don’t like it, you can just turn your back (and cook). Thus, tournedos rossini was born from his words. Another popular dish is canelones Rossini, a pasta stuffed with meat.

Most opera composers do just that, while chefs typically don’t write operas. Rossini decided to take the best of both, entertaining people through the essence of both music and food. His legacy thrives to this day, invoked whenever one indulges in a menu all Rossini.

A Little History about Italian Cuisine

Italian cuisine first became famous through Mediterranean trade, which allowed for the easy import of ingredients and therefore facilitated economic prosperity. This allowed gourmet foods to be more affordable, and the growing number of consumers interested in Italian cuisine encouraged its innovation.

This also led to French cuisine; when the Medici family, an Italian family that sponsored chefs, was invited to France, they were able to introduce their food. At that time, Italian cuisine was most popular, but thanks to its introduction in France, French cuisine was able to develop.

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