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Thoughts on the Right and the Good


The right and the good may seem synonymous, as it is often considered that what is right is what’s good and what’s good is what’s right; however, when crafting a theory of justice, it is crucial to understand the distinction between the two, as the order of establishment can influence it greatly. By “the right,” it refers to what one ought to do. On the other hand, “the good” accounts for that which benefits you; hedonists, for instance, would believe pleasure to be the good. It is also the outcome of one’s actions rather than the ideas that “the right” is based on, as it is often the fruits of one’s labors that are the most beneficial.

For hedonists, pleasure is undoubtedly a benefit. Following the principles of utilitarianism, it seems only natural to prioritize the maximization of pleasure; with this end product in mind, the good–which is centered around this outcome–seems to be the logical first choice. As establishing the good in a theory of justice ensures that pleasure will undoubtedly be a result, it would be best to base what is right on the good, so that it is right to work towards the maximization of pleasure. Even if we look beyond the lens of pleasure, first defining the good offers humanity a reward to strive toward, and often, an end. Plato, for instance, would claim knowledge to be the good; therefore, the right thing to do would be to live a life pursuing wisdom and enlightenment.

However, that which benefits you–the good–does not necessarily account for what we ought to do, principles like justice, equality, and liberty that the right is centered on. Whether one defines the good to be pleasure or knowledge, the ultimate goal would be to obtain these end products, yet the means would not necessarily adhere to principles like justice or equality. By establishing the right first, one ensures that individual liberties and equal opportunities are secured; certainly, such aims are undeniably beneficial. Therefore, would it not be rational to base the good on the right? If one were to define the good first, while it is true that society may benefit overall, it may do so to the detriment of certain individuals. This may lead to inequalities, violations of basic rights, and injustice–the antithesis of the right. On the other hand, pursuing the right first means that the concept of redistribution and equality would focus on the welfare of every individual, rather than the big picture.

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